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Happy New Year from your family at Classic Bakery!

As the year ends, we thank you for your support and wish you and your loved ones a joyful New Year!

The store will be OPEN December 31st, 6:30-5:00 & CLOSED January 1-14, Reopening normal business hours Wednesday, January  15.

Thank you for a great year, we appreciate and love our Classic family!


Regular Business Hours:

Wednesday-  Saturday: 6:30 am-6:00 pm

Sunday: 6:30 am-5:00 pm

Closed: Monday & Tuesday

Located at: 7135 Tiffany Boulevard, Youngstown, OH 44514.

Phone Number: 330-726-1729


  • Now hiring for all positions!
  • Classic Bakery’s Return Policy requires the item to be fully intact when returned to the store.
  • All orders are now required to be prepaid 48 hours in advance. Payments can be made over the phone or in-store. The minimum cancellation time for orders is 24 hours, no refunds will be given for same-day cancellations.

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