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Saint Patrick’s Day Sweets from Classic Bakery!

Go green this upcoming Saint Patrick’s Day with an assortment of special features from Classic Bakery.

Chocolate Mint Whipped Cream Cake: layers of moist chocolate cake stacked with scratch-made chocolate custard with faintly minted whipped cream icing. Must be refrigerated. Standard serving size 6-8, also available in 1/4, 1/2, and full-sheet sizes.

Shamrock Cutout Cookies: Available in iced or green sugared.

Small Leprechaun Cake: Single-layer cake available in chocolate, white, yellow, and banana. Iced and decorated in buttercream. Individual serving size.

Pot O’Gold Cake: Single-layer cake available in chocolate, white, yellow, banana, marble, and red velvet. Iced and decorated in buttercream and adorned with chocolate candy coins.

Petifours: Small bites of chocolate or white cake dipped in matching icing and decorated with edible St. Pat’s Day candies.

Drizzle Cookies: Contain nuts. Offered in chocolate or green drizzle icing.

Business Hours:

Thursday- Saturday: 6:30 am-6:00 pm

Sunday: 6:30 am-5:00 pm

Closed: Monday & Tuesday


Located at: 7135 Tiffany Boulevard, Youngstown, OH 44514.

Phone Number: 330-726-1729


    • Classic Bakery’s Return Policy requires the item to be fully intact when returned to the store.
    • All orders are now required to be prepaid 48 hours in advance. Payments can be made over the phone or in-store.
    • The minimum cancellation time for orders is 24 hours, no refunds will be given for same-day cancellations.
    • Unfortunately, product availability will be limited due to staffing issues. Classic Bakery is currently hiring for holiday help! Stop into the store to apply today!
    • Items will be available in-store daily as supplies last!
    • Please call the store for prices!


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